About us
The Zimbabwe National Co-operatives Federation (ZNCF) has commissioned on coop.co.zw a suite of online services to benefit the co-operative movement in Zimbabwe.
These services further the functions of ZNCF as dictated by the Co-operative Societies Act [Chapter 24:05] specifically:
- to compile and provide general information and advice co-operative societies to assist them in protecting their interests and enhancing their efficiency;
- to produce or facilitate the procurement of loan facilities, grants and other forms of financial and material assistance for co-operative societies
- to sponsor or to facilitate the promotion of good management practices in the running of co-operative societies
The Zimbabwe Institute of Co-operative Management (ZICM) offers online courses to co-operative societies and their members. ZICM courses promote good management practices in the running of co-operative societies.
The Co-op Pay® Credit Card is payment solution offered to customers of co-operative businesses in a closed loop environment. Card holders fund or access credit from their card accounts to buy from Co-operators, at Co-op society businesses or in the online Co-op Store.
The Co-op Venture Capital Fund is an equity fund designed to provide capital that can accelerate the growth of co-operative society businesses, while providing a healthy financial return to investors.
The Co-operative online store where societies buy raw materials and sell their products. The store enhances the output of co-operative products by offering
- Customers BuyNow! PayLater! Credit and
- Co-operatives Order Finance Facilities.